Giclee Prints are images generated from high resolution digital scans and printed with archival quality inks onto various substrates including canvas, fine art, and photo-base paper. This process provides better color accuracy than by any other means of reproduction.

Prints are a great option for those who like to do their own framing, to give as gifts, or for anyone looking for a lower price point, without sacrificing image quality.

A select series of Katie’s work is available for purchase as giclee prints, and are printed on acid free, Kodak Endura Premier Paper. With an archiving ability that exceeds one hundred years, Katie Martin Art print reproductions come printed on the highest quality photo paper available.

  scroll the Print collection   

To shop all prints — check out the “Prints” page, via the “Shop Now” tab. 

Greeting Cards

Choose from some of Katie's most popular wildlife works to buy individually, or the full series as a set. Each of these 4.5" x 5" blank greeting cards come individually wrapped with white envelopes. Great for thank you notes, to give as gifts, or for any occasion. 

Buy individually, or in sets of 10 or 20. (Bigger quantities and specialty orders available, please inquire.)  

SCRolL the Wildlife Series Greeting Cards

To shop all Greeting Cards, check out the “Greeting Cards” page, via the “Shop Now” tab. 

Note: Print pricing varies depending on size, type of surface printed upon and shipping. For specialty orders or any questions regarding print orders, please contact Katie directly at All sales and shipping will be handled personally by Katie and achieved as quickly as possible.

Please allow 5-7 business days for completion of the print order and 5-7 days for shipping. Extended delivery time may be necessary during busy times and holidays.